Air Animal Pet Movers Cuts Lead Follow-Up Time by Over 50 Percent
From the first contact with Air Animal to the pet’s safe arrival at its new home, clients expect responsive, attentive service. To expedite contact with a prospect – and avoid duplicate efforts among the team – Air Animal had to move beyond its outdated, manual method of logging incoming queries.
AB Orthodontics Straightens Business with GoldMine
With three field-force sales people managing territories covering the whole of Australia, AB Orthodontics faced a challenge managing increased reporting and communications between the sales staff and head office.
As Andrew Binns, Managing Director of AB Orthodontics, explains, “Having staff located remotely makes it hard for any sales manager to maintain a thorough dialogue or relationship where each person feels the lines of communication are both open and easily accessible. Generally, the better the technology you have, the easier it is to maintain [a good relationship].”
CEO Forum Facilitates Company Growth with GoldMine Premium Edition
Given the steady growth the company has experienced in recent years, it required a more sophisticated platform to support its growing database
“We identified the need to introduce a solution that could not only help us manage and track correspondence with members more effectively, but also help us create a central repository of all contact information.”